Incident - Actions

Once an injury has been sustained due to an Incident, you will need to list all the actions that were taken, and are to be taken, because of this occurrence. The Details tab of the Actions window will contain this information.

There are two mandatory fields to complete: Action Description and Action Date/Time.

Fields within Actions:

Field Explanation
Action Category:

This is the umbrella term for the ensuing Action Type. For example, ‘Medical Treatment’.

Action Type:

This field should indicate the type of action that happened next. This might be that the person returned to work, or that first aid was administered (which would fit under the category of ‘Medical Treatment’).

Resumption of Work This field becomes available if you select Action Type 'Return To Work'. Select the relevant option, or click <<Add New>> to add a new description (this will be added to the Validation Table). The existing options are taken from the AS1885 options and therefore should not be changed.
Action Description: Provide an accurate summary of the action that occurred. (If necessary, more information can be included in the Notes field in this window.)
Created Date/Time: Type in the date and time that this action was created.
Due Date/Time: Type in the date and time by which this action should be completed.
Actual Date / Time: Type in the date and time that the action took place.
Completed: Type in the date and time when the action was completed.
Fatal Injury: Tick this box if this is applicable to this Incident.
Requires Rehabilitation: Tick this box if this is applicable to this Incident.
Actioned By: Specify who undertook this action. For example, the name of the person who stated that the injured person could return to work, or the name of the first aid person.
Action For: This will generally be the injured person.
Co-ordinator This will default to the overall Incident Coordinator, if specified on the Incident Details. If none was specified, or if these needs to be a different coordinator for this particular Action, click the drop-down arrow to search for the required name.
LTI Type:

If this injury led to lost work time, specify the injury that was directly the cause of the lost time.

Lost Time (hours/$):

Specify the relevant values of hours and dollars lost due to this injury.

Ensure accurate values are entered here. This is the key field for affecting OHS Statistics, such as Incidence Rate and Average Time Lost Rate. See further notes on Lost Time Hours.

Insurance Flag: Tick this box if this injury is to be processed as an Insurance claim.
Insurer rejection: Tick this box if this claim has been rejected by the Insurer.

Select the name of the insurance organisation to be contacted for this claim.

Insurer Contact: Add in a contact name here, if known.
Claim Date: The date the claim was submitted to the Insurer.
Reimbursement Date: Type in the date and time the reimbursement was received, if appropriate.
Notes: Add any pertinent notes that may be useful for future reference, such as why the claim was rejected.

Items in Action Category, Action Type and LTI Type, are taken from HR3pay | OHS Framework | Validation Tables | Incidents | Incident Action Categories or HR3people | OHSFramework and new items can be created in either area.


Note that if you create a new Insurer here, it will be saved to this record only. If adding a regular insurer, it is recommended that you create this first in HR3pay | HR Framework | Institution, then select them here.

Lost Time Hours

The number of hours you enter in Actions, regardless of the Action Type you choose, is accumulated and displayed on the Statistics tab (for the appropriate Location and with Show All selected, rather than Show One).

Average Time Lost Rate

Therefore you may consider two different options when adding Actions.

Option One:

  • Enter the total time lost hours in a single Action once when the person returns to work.

  • Additional Actions can be added, but no hours should be included.

Option Two:

  • Create separate Actions as necessary
    • As well as RTW Actions, these might include Actions such as "Add details to injury register", "Send Workcover claim form to employee" or "Claim accepted".
  • Enter the Lost Time hours per Action, as they accumulate. These actions could perhaps to coincide with the Pay Date.
  • Each 'Hours' entry will be accumulated to provide an overall total hours for the Average Time Lost Rate calculation on the Statistics screen.

Return to Work Actions

RTW accumulation in Statistics is based on the number of Actions you create with the Action Type of Return to Work:

RTW Statistics

Therefore it may make sense to select this type only when you are entering Actions for the Return to Work Plan. All other Actions should then be a different Action Type, such as 'Claims Processing' or 'Risk Assessment'.

Action Items

Refer to Using Actions for more information.

Documents & Images

In this tab you can add documents and images which are relevant to the current incident. This might include medical certificates, return to work plans, or Workcover compensation claim forms. For a detailed explanation of this process, please see Document Window.

User Defined Fields

You may create any new field that is appropriate to Incidents OH&S. To create UDFs, see User Defined Fields (UDFs). Also see User Defined Fields within OHS for more specific information.